I love NYC for everything it has to offer and for the the unique experiences that I was able to see, but I don’t know if I can live in this city. Sometimes it’s just too much, from the people to the traffic, from the noise to the urban life, and everyone seems busy and hectic. There is no slow down or lay back in this city. Everyone is on the move and on the run to be somewhere or to do something. It’s one of the quality of this city yet also a down point. I don’t mind visiting NYC every year to see and to experience what the city has to offer but I don’t think I can live here.
My friend, who was traveling with me, has decided to move to NYC. So we went around and checking a few apartments, and they’re not cheap. There is one bedroom with a shared bathroom and for $1000.00/month, and that’s it. It’s just a bedroom only. Sometimes, 1 bedroom sharing between 2 or more people, no kitchen, no living room. A nice 1 bedroom apartment with a bathroom cost around half a million dollar to buy, and it’s like a box to sleep in and a shower to take a bath.
People said ‘if you can make in NYC, you can make anywhere’, and I think the saying is truth. If you want to see how capitalism works, you need to visit NYC. It’s the proof and evidence of capitalist economy. It’s a city where people find ways to earn money, from stock traders to real estate agents, from taxi drivers to street musicians, from advertisements in Time Square to many stores for people to shop, and from street artists to street food vendors. And that’s the beautiful of the city. People provide goods and services to others; from the rich and the famous to the average people and tourists. Everyone is an entrepreneur, and you can see capitalism works in everyday.

7 replies on “New York City, Autumn 2011 2”
Lần đầu tiên đến NYC, Blue bị hoa mắt vì hệ thống đèn chiếu sáng, đèn quảng cáo hoành tráng, mỏi cổ vì cứ ngước nhìn những tòa nhà cao tầng san sát nhau. Thành phố náo nhiệt, taxi vàng chạy bon bon trên đường và du khách từ khắp nơi đổ về đông đúc. Everything is moving fast and messy:-). Mọi cảm giác cứ trôi tuột…
Tóm lại là không thích NYC lắm, có lẽ vì đến và đi nhanh nên không kịp cảm nhận hết được vẻ đẹp muôn màu của thành phố này.
Thật sự NYC có nhiều nét đẹp, nhiều cái thú vị nhưng phải ở lâu, đi lang thang nhiều neighborhood mới biết và thấy cái hay của NYC. Lần sau Blue ghé nhiều ngày đi, đi vậy cho biết hết NYC luôn. Mà Blue cũng đi nhiều nơi qua nha. 🙂
Lần đầu tiên nếm mùi tư bản là Las Vegas. Ngồi trên xe bus đi từ Denver xuống San Jose, băng qua Las Vegas vào ban đêm. Wow, lóa mắt. Lần thứ 2 biết thế nào là đế quốc Mỹ là khi lái xe từ Virginia vào Washington DC. Vừa qua cầu gì trên sông Potomac, DC đập vào mắt thật tráng lệ, vợ chồng con cái trầm trồ “Đây thực sự là Mỹ”, hehe. Tới New York City thì ngất luôn. Ngước coi nhà cao tầng mỏi cả cổ 🙂
Nice photos of NYC tn! Wish you occupied Wall Street, may see you on the news! 🙂
you may need to visit to nyc to bail me out since they’re getting a little rowdy now 🙂
I see your point, T. Sometime it is hurtful but you still love it. 🙂
hôm nay H closed shop early to party? 🙂